
Cutting Edge Battery Materials

Tasman Trade has a strong record of reliable micro-grid scale battery systems. Working with power authorities in Australia and New Zealand to distribute backup power technology to assist in frequency response and time shifting power demand loads.

Working with electrical trades in your area, we can facilitate government grants to partially fund the purchase, installation and operation of both micro grid and large grid scale battery backup.

Sustainable Technology rollout across New Zealand

Sustainable technology is one of our passions at Tasman Trade. We have handled the commercial expansion of several sustainable technology companies into Australia and New Zealand, making use of carbon offset rebates, and government sustainability rebates to partially fund the projects.

If you have a sustainable technology you want to sell in Australia and New Zealand, we would love to hear from you.

Industrial Chemical sales across New Zealand

Industrial Chemicals are tough to sell. Building confidence about your brand with another company requires you to build trust and confidence of high-quality product and continuity of supply.

Tasman Trade has been involved in many successful large scale industrial chemical supply contracts both in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand, and the United States of America.

Infrastructure Protection in Australia

Long warranties and government demand for compliance and quality testing are all part of selling products to infrastructure managers like local, state and federal governments in Australia and New Zealand. 

Tasman Trade has a reputation among some of the leading government bodies for high quality products and a strong supply chain. Ask about some of the infrastructure projects we have been involved with.

Your Project

Do you want to sell your product in Australia and New Zealand but don't have the resouces or local understanding on how to approach the market?